The Other Half of History Daily Blog
Thoughts on modern politics from a historical perspective.
Thoughts on modern politics from a historical perspective.
Representative Allen West has come under fire over the last few days for saying that there are several dozen “members of the Communist Party” among the Democrats in Congress. More specifically, he went on to say, the members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are all Communists.
I’m a big fan of Representative West, and I certainly don’t have anything in common with the liberals who are attacking him, but I have to criticize what he said on this occasion.
As well-meaning liberals around the nation gather to celebrate Earth Day this Sunday, it might be a good time to observe that the celebration’s promoters are, generally speaking, more interested in leftist politics than they are in clean air and water.
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Ann Coulter’s column this week is a must-read. She goes through the history of gun control laws in America, going all the way back to 1640. It will probably surprise most readers to learn that the Ku Klux Klan and it’s supporters in Southern legislatures were strong advocates of gun control in the nineteen and twentieth centuries.
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The hits just keep coming when it comes to Democrats and voter fraud.
Someone with a hidden camera picked up several ballots for New Hampshire’s Democrat Presidential primary using the names of dead voters.
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The other day I heard about a little-known charitable organization that’s been helping Hurricane Katrina victims in New Orleans rebuild their homes. The Saint Bernard Project uses volunteer labor and donated money to rebuild homes damaged or destroyed in August of 2005 by the hurricane.
This kind of private charity is still necessary, nearly seven years after the storm, because the hundred billion dollars the federal government spent on Katrina relief was mostly wasted or stolen, and some ten thousand New Orleans families still haven’t been able to rebuild their shattered homes.
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