The Other Half of History Daily Blog

Thoughts on modern politics from a historical perspective.

History Prof Mark C. Carnes on Learning

I ran across an interesting news item today. Earlier this month Dr. Mark C. Carnes, who co-wrote one of the freshman history textbooks I critique in my columns, published an article titled Setting Students’ Minds on Fire.  He describes an “active-learning concept” that he helped invent, which is supposed to increase students’ level of involvement. Instead of studying what actually happened in earlier times, his students play elaborate games in which they act out their own version of history, fueled by their own imaginations. 
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Taxation without Representation for the Unborn

According to the latest figures from the Congressional Budget Office, the federal government will spend $1.2 trillion more than it takes in this year. The government, in other words, will have to borrow nearly a third of the roughly four trillion dollars ($4,000,000,000,000) it spends. The extra trillion-plus dollars the government borrows will have to be repaid, with interest, by Americans who have not been born yet.

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“Motor Voter” Law Facilitates Fraud

Motor Voter and its Effects

In 1993 President Clinton signed the new National Voter Registration Act, aka “Motor Voter” law. It had passed through the House and Senate on a straight party line vote, and was criticized by conservatives and cheered by liberals. When the President signed the bill into law, Columbia University radicals Richard Cloward and Frances Piven stood at his side. Cloward and Piven had been urging Democrats to pass such a law since the mid 1980’s.  
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