The Other Half of History Daily Blog
Thoughts on modern politics from a historical perspective.
Thoughts on modern politics from a historical perspective.
As several news outlets are reporting, the Marine Corps is going to start allowing women to attend its infantry officer training program, and take other steps aimed at qualifying more women for combat related positions. Clearly these changes are being made for political, rather than military, reasons. It’s one more example of Fuller’s Law: when the government is in charge, decisions are made politically.
Things are different in the National Football League, where decisions are made for practical reasons.
The President has been blaming “speculators” for the rapid rise in fuel prices during his term. Meanwhile his own administration is implementing policies that actually do drive prices up. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar works tirelessly to increase gas prices. Thanks to Salazar, fuel production on federal lands has fallen to a nine year low.
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Last week President Obama gave a speech in which he blamed “speculators” for the high gas prices that are causing so much pain for the middle class. The purpose of the speech was to divert voters’ attention from the Obama policies that have restricted our access to the fuel we need.
In making oil market speculators the villain, the President was either showing profound ignorance of both economics and history, or he was counting on the American people to be ignorant about those subjects.
Once in a while you see a poll result that’s really hard to figure out. According to a new Rasmussen poll, 92% of Americans “agree that it is important for there to be strict limits on government so that it cannot take away individual rights and freedom.”
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Representative Allen West’s comments about “members of the Communist Party” in the US Congress continues to be a hot political topic. Now the NAACP chapter in his home district has rescinded an invitation for West to speak at a fundraiser.
West is on solid ground when he criticizes the radical politics of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, but he really should issue a statement clarifying his position. The specificity of his accusation is the only thing really wrong with it.
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