Obama Kills Missile Defense?

President Obama got to close to a live microphone on Monday, and let the press overhear a conversation that was supposed to be confidential. In what he thought was a private conversation, Obama asked Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to stop complaining about America’s planned European missile shield until he, President Obama, has been safely re-elected. The obvious implication was that the US would cancel the program, as Russia has been demanding, once the US President can afford to ignore what the American people think.

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Government Control of Inhalers

I just learned about something the government did back in September to increase its control over the American people. The government has banned over-the-counter inhalers. From now on asthma sufferers will need to go through a doctor to get relief, which under Obamacare means they’ll have to go through the federal government.

The administration didn’t even try to justify this power grab with any sort of claim that it helps provide better care. The only justification the government offers is the ridiculous claim that the ingredients in inhalers are causing massive global warming.

First the government uses the manmade global warming hoax as an excuse to take control of the fossil fuels that literally fuel our modern lifestyle, then they use the same bogus claim to justify taking control of asthma sufferers’ ability to breath.