Friday Links and Notes March 30

Victory for Gun Rights:  The Second Amendment Foundation has won another court case. This time the unconstitutional law that had to be struck down was in North Carolina, where the state had made it illegal to carry guns during a “declared emergency.” The state government, in other words, had given itself the right to disarm all its law-abiding citizens by a simple declaration. 

The law that was struck down was interesting from several different perspectives. If there is rioting in the streets, a reasonable person might well want to be armed for his own protection, and yet that kind of situation is presumably when the government would disarm the law-abiding by declaring an emergency. It’s good that the SAF was able to persuade the court to make the right decision.

Campus Censorship: The Foundation for Equal Rights in Education has released its top twelve list of universities that restrict free speech. A couple Ivy League schools are on the list, but, surprisingly, ultra-liberal Columbia University didn’t make the cut.

Off-Campus Censorship: The Daily Caller has a good column on the gag-in-the-mouth tactics leftists are increasingly using, even outside of college campuses. “If you can’t beat ’em, silence ’em.”

Who Needs a Budget? It’s amazing that President Obama is slogging through his fourth year as President without ever having figured out how to pass a budget for the federal government. If the President had a different letter after his name, his utter failure to execute one of the basic duties of his office for over three years would be a big news story. So would the absolutely unanimous rejection of Obama’s budget by every member of the Congress.

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