Women in the Military – Policy Enslaved to Politics

The Obama administration announced last week that it is rolling back Army and Marine Corps policies that have kept female soldiers and marines out of combat areas. “This,” said one unnamed officer quoted by the LA Times, “is the opening salvo in the debate over assigning women to combat.”

This is another illustration of Fullers Law: When the government is in control, decisions are made politically. In this case the military is being used, not for the defense of the nation from foreign enemies, but as an institutional demonstration of the Politically Correct doctrine that men and women should fill identical roles in society.
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Friday Links and Notes (February 3)

It’s been a busy week in politics. Mitt Romney said on Wednesday that the “very poor” already have a government “safety net,” and that increasing the size of the welfare checks they get is not a primary concern to him. Romney is being assailed from every side for saying this, but his statement was right. America has a very expensive and complicated social safety net. Some families get caught in the net and stay in it for generations.  
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Sick Presidents and Media Cover-Ups

In recent posts I’ve complained about the partisan bias in mainstream news organizations. The major TV networks and newspapers clearly go to great lengths to find dirt on Republican presidential candidates. Where their is no dirt to be found, the press will take something mundane, like Mitt Romney paying the legally required tax rate on investment income, and portray it as some kind of scandal.

The media treat candidates from their own party very differently. Examples of media cover-ups for prominent Democrats are so numerous that they may take a few days to cover. for today I’ll just confine my comments to the issue of presidential health problems.
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The Media’s Double Standard – Bad Republicans vs Good Democrats

I’ve been writing recently about the phony baloney scandal that the news media and the other Democrats have stirred up after hearing Mitt Romney estimate his effective tax rate at 15%. This made up scandal gives a good illustration of the double standard the press corps uses for Republicans and Democrats; there was no media onslaught in 2004 when Democrat John Kerry was running for President, despite the fact that Kerry had paid a lower tax rate than Romney on a huge income.

Mainstream journalists overwhelmingly vote for Democrats, and the coverage they give to political stories (and non-stories) reflects this concensus.
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