Milton Friedman on “Social Responsibility”

A couple days ago I described how has come under attack from liberals at the Seattle Times and elsewhere for not spending corporate money on philanthropy. I ended the post by expressing the opinion that “There is no real moral justification for corporate executives giving away their stockholders’ money to third party.”

Today it is more or less conventional to talk about big corporations having a “social responsibility” to do all sorts of things, like philanthropy, that don’t put money in their stockholders’ pockets. Obviously many executives would argue that they are behaving in a perfectly moral way when they spend their stockholders’ money on charities and causes. Many boast about it in their advertisements and their annual reports.

To argue against such a well-entrenched (but wrong-headed) idea, I’d like to defer to someone far smarter than myself.
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History of Women in Combat

The Obama Pentagon’s recent decision on putting female soldiers in harm’s way in combat zones is the latest example of the Left’s determination to use our military for something other than national defense. The sole Constitutional purpose of the military is to stand ready to defeat America’s enemies on the battlefield, but when leftists like President Obama get into the White House they quite often impose a less practical, more political agenda.
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God’s Agenda – And the Devil’s

In his brilliant book The Screwtape Letters, CS Lewis describes what he sees as the different visions God and the Devil have for the human race. God, says Lewis, wants us to be servants who can eventually become His sons, while Satan wants us to become mindless cattle who will eventually become his food.

Lewis was not talking about politics, but he could have been. Today in America the conservative vision is more or less what Lewis saw as God’s vision: each American functioning as an individual, taking responsibility for his own life and actions. The liberal vision treats “The People” as a herd of cattle, who need to be led and cared for by a supposedly elite group of politicians and bureaucrats.
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