Global Warming Hits Rome

If this global warming gets any worse we may all die of heat stroke.

Or maybe not. Significant snow is falling in Rome for the first time since 1986. That was about the time that left wing  “scientists” stopped telling us that we needed a more-powerful goverment to save us from man-made global cooling, and started warning us that we needed a more-powerful goverment to save us from man-made global warming.

All the evidence says that the rapidly-increasing fossil fuel use of the last fifteen or so years has not heated up the planet one iota. That’s probably why thousands of real scientists have signed the petition at, expressing their disbelief in the man-made global warming religion.

Meanwhile the Druids of global warming are treating heretics the same way theocrats have always treated heretics, using threats and force to try to silence them.

We should all be skeptical of any problem whose only solution is a bigger, more expensive, and more powerful government. There are too many people who will always try to invent just that kind of “problem,” as a way to get what they really want.

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