The Global Warming Agenda
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” H.L. Mencken
If there is one thing that unifies liberals, it is the belief that “government is the answer.” From the Progressives of the early twentieth century, to Franklin Roosevelt’s “brain trust” of the 1930’s, to the college campus liberals of today; leftists have always believed that Government is society’s best hope. Only Government can do good things, according to this view, and it must always grow bigger and more powerful so it can do more good.
To this end, leftists are always promoting public belief in some crisis or other that only Government, supposedly, can solve. There is no better example of this kind of faux crisis than the claim, accepted without question by too many schoolchildren and college students, that the use of fossil fuels is causing the planet to heat up to unprecedented temperatures.
The Original “Progressives”
“A well-meaning man may vaguely think of himself as a Progressive without having even the faintest conception of what a Progressive is.” Theodore Roosevelt
In recent years the word “progressive” has had a resurgence in popularity among American leftists (perhaps because the word “liberal” is too well understood by the American public). In 1991 the most liberal members of the United States Congress joined together to form the “Progressive Caucus.” Hosts on the now-defunct Air America radio network billed themselves as “The Aggressive Progressives.” Income tax structures that force high wage earners to pay taxes disproportionate to their income are called “progressive,” while tax structures that require everyone to pay in proportion to income are derided as “regressive.” Ultimately, though, it doesn’t really matter what name left wingers use for their agenda. The agenda never changes.
The word “progressive” comes to us from the early twentieth century, when leftists like US Presidents Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson used it to portray themselves as agents of progress. History textbooks refer to the period during which these three men ran the government (1901 to 1919), as the “Progressive Era.” Most modern textbooks reflect the leftist bias of their authors by framing this period as a time when enlightened leaders used the power of government to promote “social justice.”1 The other side of the story, generally downplayed by history professors and other leftists, is the way the original “Progressive” politicians trampled on the Constitutional principle of checks and balances, and ushered in an era of unprecedented government power.
The State Department and 9/11
“History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.” Thomas Jefferson, first Secretary of State of the United States
On September 11 of 2001 Islamic Terrorists flew hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, killing some three thousand innocent people. Fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers had been fast-tracked into this country from Saudi Arabia, despite a large number of obvious red flags that should have prevented any of them from getting visas. This attack on our nation had at least one thing in common with the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963; it could have been, and should have been, prevented by the US State Department.
Don’t expect to hear that in a college history course. College professors, like other liberals, are reluctant to question the efficacy of government bureaucracies. Leftist tend to view Government as the source of all wisdom, and the solution to every problem. It would be hard for any left winger to admit that negligence on the part of government officials facilitated the deaths of thousands of innocent people.
And the State Department is held to be even more sacrosanct than other government agencies. Criticizing the State Department for sloppiness in security matters is, after all, the original sin of right wing “McCarthyism.” It shouldn’t surprise anyone that stories of bureaucratic inefficiency and irresponsibility at Foggy Bottom tend to be left out of mainstream history books.
Why Oswald Killed Kennedy
“Coexistence with Communists is neither possible nor honorable nor desirable.” Joseph McCarthy
In November of 1963 an American Communist named Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Bureaucratic apathy, and misplaced ideas of tolerance, allowed Oswald to commit this crime; by which he removed from office a staunch anti-Communist hated and feared by the Kremlin. But don’t expect to hear that in a typical college level history class.
Most history professors and textbook writers are leftists who are very reluctant to acknowledge any connection between Communism and anything bad. Mainstream historians like Dr. Eric Foner show more sympathy for Soviet agents who lost their jobs in the US government after being exposed, than for the millions of innocent people, President Kennedy included, who lost their lives at the hands of Communists during the twentieth century.
John F. Kennedy: Right Wing Hero
“On the strength of our free economy rests the hope of all free nations.” John F. Kennedy
When Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy on November 22nd of 1963, he was striking a blow for Socialism; but don’t expect to hear that in a typical college history class.
College professors and other leftist like to depict President Kennedy as a liberal, and the man who murdered him simply as a “troubled former marine,”1 whose motives are best left unexamined. In reality, Kennedy’s policies, both foreign and domestic, were so far to the right of the ideas in vogue on most campuses today that any honest appraisal would portray him as the enemy of everything most history professors believe in. The man who assassinated him, on the other hand, was a committed Marxist who saw Kennedy’s conservatism as a threat.