Free States, Free Enterprise

…h to be successful, and those advantages all derived from free enterprise. Free States, Free Enterprise Businesses in America’s free states have always been able to create jobs and generate wealth at a world-beating pace. (Most of the Southern states did not fully join the ranks of “free” states until around 1970; but that will be the topic of a future post.) The real story of wealth creation in America is a story of entrepreneurial enterprise, an…

Winning The Cold War, Part I – The “Evil Empire” Speech

…kind, and the Soviets would be asked to promise to do the same. There were Communist agents involved in the Nuclear Freeze movement right from the beginning, but the movement gathered its real strength from the millions of well-intentioned American liberals who accepted the argument that stopping the construction of new nuclear weapons was the morally right thing to do. The moral framework offered by the leaders of the Nuclear Freeze movement was…

Global Warning and Real Science

…a global warming scaremonger like Dr. Phil Jones can refuse to share his research data, yet still insist that his conclusions be accepted as proven fact. That’s why the thousand of real scientists who have signed the Global Warming Petition, questioning the whole idea of manmade global warming, have done so at some risk to their careers. It’s a threat to real science when politicians with PhD’s are willing to subvert the principles of honest scien…

History of Women in Combat

…t decision on putting female soldiers in harm’s way in combat zones is the latest example of the Left’s determination to use our military for something other than national defense. The sole Constitutional purpose of the military is to stand ready to defeat America’s enemies on the battlefield, but when leftists like President Obama get into the White House they quite often impose a less practical, more political agenda. The military, under the pre…

Winning the Cold War, Part II – Missile Defense

…efense, Casper Weinberger, approved the faking of results to show that the test had succeeded.14 “Star Wars” in Real Life The truth, of course, is very different from the propaganda that campus leftists are feeding their students in their classrooms and textbooks. The SDI program was instrumental in sending the Soviet Union to the ash-heap of history, and it deserves a more positive portrayal in history books for that reason alone. That much was a…