Allen West and Communists, Part II

Representative Allen West’s comments about “members of the Communist Party” in the US Congress continues to be a hot political topic. Now the NAACP chapter in his home district has rescinded an invitation for West to speak at a fundraiser.

West is on solid ground when he criticizes the radical politics of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, but he really should issue a statement clarifying his position. The specificity of his accusation is the only thing really wrong with it.
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Allen West and “Communist Party Members” in Congress

Representative Allen West has come under fire over the last few days for saying that there are several dozen “members of the Communist Party” among the Democrats in Congress. More specifically, he went on to say, the members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are all Communists.

I’m a big fan of Representative West, and I certainly don’t have anything in common with the liberals who are attacking him, but I have to criticize what he said on this occasion.

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