The Real History of the ACLU

…cist sympathies, fully two thirds of them from one campus. City College of New York was such a hotbed of Communism in those days that the new state law forced CUNY to dismiss forty faculty members, one of whom was Jack Foner, the father of the modern day history professor who wrote Give Me Liberty. The younger Professor Foner addresses the 1940 New York law in his textbook, portraying it as an immoral product of anti-Communist “hysteria,” but he f…

History Prof Mark C. Carnes on Learning

…e history more “fun” for college students who have no interest in actually learning about the past. It’s a pretty sad commentary on the state of education in our country when college professors respond to lazy and apathetic students by dumbing down the content. There was a time when students who didn’t apply themselves to their studies simply flunked out. Carnes seems to be determined to teach anything but history in his history classes. When I di…

Early Americans: Religious by Choice

…ary factors that motivated seventeenth and eighteenth century Europeans to come to the New World was the unwillingness of many of them to accept a government-mandated religion. The people who emigrated from England and the other European countries to the North American colonies were, for the most part, rugged individualists, who were willing to leave whatever security they had in the Old World to take their chances in the New. Some came seeking ec…

An Accurate Account of the “Men Who Built America” Part 6

…year John D. Rockefeller was born in a three room shack in a small town in New York, an iron-hulled commercial vessel crossed the Atlantic for the first time. By the time the Commodore entered the trans-Atlantic trade in the mid-1850’s iron hulled steamships were commonplace. In August of 1856 the political winds finally started blowing against Collins; Congress notified him that it would cancel his subsidy in six months. In February of the next y…

The “1619 Project” is Propaganda

…the growth only start in the South when the mistreatment ended? The 1619 Project should be seen as what it is: pure propaganda. For a much more accurate and PC-free view of America’s economic development, please feel free to purchase a copy of A Self-Made Nation on Amazon. Al Fuller 1 Thomas Sewell, The Economics and Politics of Race, paperback, pp. 95-96 2 Thomas Sewell, Race and Culture, paperback, p. 188…