The Real History of the ACLU

…who would later serve as General Secretary of the Communist Party USA. The ACLU and Atheism One of the ACLU’s proudest moments, according to many history texts, is its success in 1925 in persuading a Tennessee schoolteacher named John Scopes to violate a state law against teaching Darwinian evolution. The freshman textbooks America’s Promise and Nation of Nations, along with Dr. Foner’s book Give Me Liberty, all cite the so-called “Scopes Monkey T…

An Accurate Account of the “Men Who Built America” Part 24

…ch time Goldman would make a martyr of him in the magazine she published. (ACLU founder Roger Baldwin would later name Goldman as one of his political mentors.) The attack on Frick backfired on Goldman and Berkman. As the police led Berkman away from his office Frick calmly sat in a chair at his desk while a surgeon removed the bullets from his body, then took care of some urgent paperwork before allowing himself to be led to an ambulance. Before…